Last week we were fortunate enough to have 3 of our very good friends come visit. Jen came via Montana after moving Heather into her new place. A day later Natalie and Andy came via D.C. for a long weekend. It was nice to get out, see the sights and have normal adult conversation!
Jen, Archie and I went to the Air Force Academy before heading to the airport. Despite having done a training camp there in high school, Jen had never seen the chapel on the premises. We also looked out over the quad and I got a lesson in airplanes! At the airport we managed to squeeze 4 adults, 1 infant, 2 suitcases and skis into the Jeep. Who says you can't have fuel efficiency and space?
The next day Jen left and the rest of us drove to Cheyenne Park and Gold Camp Road. On Saturday Natalie and I headed to Boulder with the kid while Dave and Andy went skiing. We visited the Celestial Seasons headquarters and sampled a bunch of tea. The Sugar Cookie tea was surprisingly good and now I am wishing I had bought more than the one box. Afterwards we wanted to eat at Natalie's favorite restaurant in Boulder, but Kansas State alum had taken over the place. Oh well! On our way home we stopped at Crate and Barrel so I could get the other baking pan that I had registered for our wedding.
On Sunday we lounged around the house and Natalie made dinner and dessert! It was the best meal we had eaten probably since my mother-in-law was here. Now, however, it is back to the daily grind and meals that take less than 20 minutes to make.
Later today we are taking Archie to his first class at Gymboree. They are offering free classes this month and if we like it then we will sign up for weekly classes. It will be nice to meet other parents with children Archie's age.
Sorry I have been lax in my blog upkeep. Our laptop is on its way out and I rarely have time to sit at my desktop. There is also the matter of the almost 4 month old kid....