
House progress

Yesterday we rented a U-Haul van to move a bunch of boxes and some furniture to our storage unit. The trim on the first floor has been painted, we got an estimate for painting the exterior, Dave has the contact info for a realtor in Denver, and we are going to be working on the basement next weekend. This week we plan on getting the trim upstairs done and I would like to have the guest room packed and ready for staging. We are both just done with this house. I am sure I will be sad come moving day, but for now I just want to get it sold.

The boys are doing well. In the past week Fletcher has really started moving everywhere! He's up, he's down, he's here, he's there, and he's making a mess wherever he lands. He has also been sleeping even worse than before if that is believable. There have been a few nights where we literally cannot set him down. He is making our decision to space out baby #2 and #3 further than #1 and #2. Archie has started taking art and music classes at Gymboree. The level 6 play and learn class wasn't really a good fit for us but it worked out great. He loves bringing his art work home and showing it off to us all week.

This week I finally just said to heck with it and cut off all my hair. I was tired of Fletcher pulling at it constantly plus it was kind of boring. My hair stylist is fantastic and she did an excellent job of giving me a cut that was both what I wanted and what works with my hair. I am not looking forward to having to find a new stylist when we move.

Well here are some recent pictures in case you don't feel like reading my thoughts but want to see the kiddos.

Archie playing in the infant car seat

Fletcher's 1st haircut

I cannot get a good picture of the 2 of them together.

My new haircut

He has finally learned to drink from a bottle

Loving the great weather in their Radio Flyer


Our Color Me Mine results

As I posted last week, we went to Color Me Mine on family fun day. We picked up our finished pottery pieces yesterday and they are not nearly as scary as I was imagining. I apologize for the lighting but it is early morning and I made do with either the flash or above head lights.

inside of my pencil holder

side view of pencil holder

Archie's bear plate