I cannot believe two months have gone by and I've severely neglected this blog. I have been quite active on my scrapbooking blog though! I will try to remember what has been going on around here but my thoughts are all over the place so maybe I will break it down into categories.
After 9 months of Dave commuting to Denver, we have finally put our house on the market. Our MLS listing went live this past Thursday and we've had 6 showings since then. So far no takers, but the feedback has been mostly good. People think it is fairly priced, the problems areas they have identified are ones we are already aware of, and it shows well according to the Realtors. We have already sank too much money into this house the eventual buyers will just have to see all the positives over the few downfalls. I think it is a great house and we really are not trying to hide anything from prospective buyers.
On the flip side, we went out looking at houses in Arvada yesterday. We saw five properties and they all had good and bad qualities. They were all in the right ballpark but nothing I was totally in love with came across our path. We love the town though and know that our right property is out there.
In May we took a trip back east for Brian and Erin's wedding in NY. We flew into MI and drove to NY. My Mom came with us to help watch the boys while we attended all the wedding festivities. We had a fantastic time and the boys traveled beautifully. Rochester was a very beautiful town although we only really saw near where Brian and Erin live. Their wedding was lovely and the reception was just gorgeous! On our way back to MI we stopped at Niagara Falls. I think the boys had fun and I had forgotten how magnificent those falls are. The Canadian side is also 1000x's better than the US side. Go figure.
Back in MI we were able to catch up with some friends but not all unfortunately. It is so hard to get everything done that we want to when we are back east. The time flies and then we have to return home. At least we will closer to the airport next time we have to travel!
About one month ago I started calorie tracking and a week later I started the couch to 5k (c25k) program. My weight was holding steady at around 160 for awhile but then started climbing again. I decided that I didn't want to be the person who gains an extra 5 lbs. with each kid. I was 150 when I got pregnant with Archie and 155 when I got pregnant with Fletcher. Well I am proud to say that after only 1 month I am 150 lbs. My goal weight has always been 145 b/c that was where it hovered for a majority of my 20s. I think my 30s may actually be better than my 20s!
Today is the last day of my 4th week of the c25k program which is an 8 week program. I joined Gold's Gym b/c the air quality here has gone to crap since the Waldo Canyon fire broke out last week. Running on a treadmill is actually way easier than navigating the hills around here.
(left is from 1 month ago, right is from 2 days ago)
Archer and Fletcher are growing and changing daily. Just when I think they are the best, they surprise me with some new phrase, activity, or even just a smile! Conversely, just when I think I cannot do it anymore, I find a strength inside of me that I didn't know existed. These children are equal parts fascinating, loving, annoying, demanding, and wonderful. We still want a third but are in no hurry as our second still doesn't sleep through the night.
Fletcher is a full fledged walker and he has recently learned how to stand up without holding onto anything. He has mastered the stairs and even is learning how to go down them on his belly. His personality is so different than Archie's too. Fletcher has no fear. He will climb over the edge of the couch without pause, stand at the top of the stairs and laugh, and climb onto the table without ever looking down. He is also a lot more demanding than Archie ever was. Fletcher needs constant attention and is not content to play by himself. He is a lot more like me and Archie is a lot more like Dave.
Archer is talking up a storm and picks up on concepts really quickly. He is super smart and I sometimes forget that he still only 2 years old. I have more intelligent conversations with this kid than I do with some adults. Right now he is very much into water play. He helps we water the garden every morning, has recently discovered water balloons, and he even washes his hands all by himself. He knows how to use our Google tv remote, Dave's tablet, and my phone without assistance. His new favorite phrases are "that's not cool" and he ends every query with a "maybe".
I think that is all I've got for right now. The house needs to be cleaned b/c we cannot leave until it is show worthy as we might get a call for a showing at any time. Oy.