
Cloth Diapering

Today Dave and I attended a cloth diapering class at Baby Cotton Bottoms here in Colorado Springs. We had already made the decision to cloth diaper months ago, but the more I read about it the more confused I got. Back when our parents diapered us they had flat diapers with pins and scary looking plastic covers. Today they have flat folds, prefolds, fitteds, pocket, all in ones, liners, doublers, and lets not forget the accessories. Where does a person begin?

For my baby shower, my sister Marlene got me a cloth diaper cake. It was the best gift that I never thought to ask for. I got 24 infant sized prefolds, which is the perfect amount to start off with. All we really need is about 4-6 diaper covers and we are set for a at least 2-3 months. At the class today we learned all about the different kinds of diapers and the various fabrics. It really is not as frightening as I was anticipating. Cloth diapering actually seems kind of fun!

I am sure there will a lot of trial and error as we go, but I am confident in our decision to cloth diaper. There are a lot of skeptics out there, but I think if they did a little research they too would be a little less intimidated by the whole prospect. Yes, the upfront cost is a lot more than buying a case if disposables and wipes. However, the long term savings add up to thousands of dollars especially with each subsequent child. I also learned today that more water is used to produce disposable diapers then we will use washing our cloth diapers.

I need to have this kid already so I can stop getting so excited about diapers.

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