
Happy 28th to me!

I clearly remember my last 2 birthdays. Last year we spent the day packing and flying to NJ b/c we were leaving for our honeymoon the following day. We were in the very last non-reclining row by the bathrooms. The year before I had a little pity party b/c it was my first birthday in CO away from family and friends.

This year, however, I am in a completely different frame of mind. I am thoroughly enjoying the solace of sitting at home doing whatever I please. I am looking forward to the phone calls from my family and friends. I am doing laundry, washing dishes, playing around on-line and just enjoying being me. With motherhood right around the corner, I am not going to get many more days like this.

It's funny how the anatomy of your birthday changes as you get older. Instead of fanfare and hoopla, now I just want to have a nice conversation and relaxing day. I am not saying that presents and cake are a thing of the past. Really, can one ever tire of presents and cake?
Instead those are nice additions to a day not the focal point.

So I say Happy 28th Birthday to me!!

(birthday lilies from Dave)

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