
90 degrees and in a Sudafed fog.

Summer has descended upon Colorado Springs. Archie can finally wear his summer wardrobe before he outgrows them, Dave's allergies are acting up and I've got a cold. I think that our little man has inherited his father's allergies too. The poor thing keeps sneezing, but it doesn't really seem to bother him.

Our garden is looking fantastic this year. We've discovered that some of the plants from last year that didn't do so hot are now thriving. I also decided to make my own hanging baskets instead of paying $25/basket. I put some begonias and a red leafy annual that I cannot remember the name of right now. The nice thing is that I can reuse the pretty baskets so the cost will be even lower next year. Dave started some vegetable from seeds and we will hopefully get them in the ground this weekend. He is really the outdoors guy in the family, I just blog about it!

We had bought some ceiling fans over a year ago and didn't have them installed until after Archer was born. Now that the weather has turned hot, we are wondering why we waited so long. We do not have air conditioning so they are truly a lifesaver. Next up my amazing husband will be replacing our fence. He cemented his first post last weekend and survived. Now there are only about 25 or so 8 foot segments to complete.

Archer is still a wonder and delight. He now sits pretty confidently and has started to kick his legs while on his tummy. He really prefers bouncing though and will go to town while in his exersaucer. We walked to our neighborhood park last week and Archie went swinging for the first time. He just kind of laid back and took it all in stride. He only got excited if I made a fool out of myself cheering him along. My favorite though is when he just starts squealing for no apparentreason. This is not much fun while at the library, but all other times are good!

Other than that we are looking forward to the rest of the summer. In July the sisters, Archie and myself are making our way to WA to stay with Marlene and go to the Portland Brewer's Fest. Fortunately, Mary and Amy's plane has a layover in Denver and I got on the same flight as them. It will be nice to have some helping hands. I have flown solo with him once and we did okay, but it is still stressful. We are still planning on taking some weekend camping trips around CO and hopefully in September we will have a meeting of the college friends in Ann Arbor.

That's the digs for now. Archie is napping and I'm going to go get ready for the day. Enjoy the video of Archer's first swing time!

(Please ignore the Mommy voice)

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