
The Weight Post

This post is more for me than you. It is about my weight over the last year and I want to put in out there to help keep me motivated. I have no real support system here in CO, sans my wonderful husband who thinks I am beautiful no matter what, to help keep me on track.

When I got pregnant with Archer I weighed 155 lbs. That was the most I ever weighed in my life, but still I was content. Over the course of my pregnancy I gained 40 lbs. and lost about 15-20 shortly after his birth. Being a new Mom I did not really concern myself with what I was putting into my body. I ate whatever when I was hungry. About 6 weeks ago I weighed 170 lbs. and decided that I needed to change a few things.

I started with an iPhone app called "Lose It" which helps me track my daily caloric intake. The hardest part in the beginning was being honest about what I was eating. It is hard to see that those 2 bowls of tortilla chips add up to a lot of calories. I set a goal of losing 1/2 lb. per week. which is a realistic limit. This allowed me about 1900 calories a day and would force me to really think about what I wanted to use them up on.

I got some new cookbooks to help me come up with healthy, low calorie meal and snack ideas. If we were planning on going out to eat I would look up the nutritional info of the place we were going to. I have spent more time in the last 6 weeks thinking about what goes into my body than I ever have in my life. I am not the most active person and no matter how many times I start going to the gym I always quit. Changing my eating habits has been the most practical avenue for me to help get healthy.

Yesterday I tried on my favorite pair of pre-pregnancy jeans and they fit great. I stepped on the scale and I weighed 156 lbs. I cannot believe that changing my diet had such a huge effect in a short amount of time. I must have been eating like crap. Another good thing about this is that we are planning on expanding our family in the not to distant future and I would like this pregnancy to be healthier.

I really want this to be a life change and not just a post pregnancy trend. That is why I am putting this out there in the Internet world. I really want some culpability if I start to lose my motivation.

I have to go make sure my child eats now!


Natalie said...

Yay!!! Way to go, Sara! Tracking your food is the single most effective way to be healthier. I know you said you already had an app - but if it's limited, you might want to checkout Spark People. It's my favorite food tracker!

Cate Connors said...

Hey lovely,

Just a note since you say you want accountability. We're watching!! :)

Seriously, good luck and keep motivated. If you end up wanting to hit the gym, think about weights -- and no fluffy pink 'girl weights!' Will do wonders for boosting your metabolism and getting you in shape for a future pregnancy.

But regardless diet is key, awesome you've already started cleaning it up!

Take care Sara - so cool to see your bebeh growing.
