
I popped

All the message boards I have been reading lead me to believe two things. First, I probably wouldn't get my pregnancy belly until about 16-18 weeks. Second, that my belly will literally pop overnight and I will wake not looking fat, but pregnant. The first was untrue, but the second sure did happen. Here are my first official photos of my pregnancy belly. They are the the shotty, done in the bathroom kind of pictures, but you can deal.

Alas, I present myself and little baby R.

14 weeks, 6 days along


marlene said...

thank you thank you for posting pics!

mom said that, according to dad's mom, if you carry your baby low it's a boy, high it's a girl. "or it may be the other way around", mom said. gotta love her!

Mary Hankins said...

Julie P. said, "She's sick a lot? Oh yeah. She's having a girl!"